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Houston Warhammer 40k Ork minis painted and ready to play.

The Orks of Warhammer 40,000: A Guide to the Green Tide

When diving into the vast universe of Warhammer 40,000 (often dubbed Warhammer 40K or 40,000), few factions evoke as much character and raw enthusiasm as the Orks. These green-skinned warmongers are a blend of humor, sheer brute force, and the enthusiasm of organized chaos. If the  Houston Warhammer communities are any evidence, Orks certainly have a massive fanbase. Here's an extensive guide to help beginners navigate the Ork faction and get started within the Houston Warhammer 40K community.

Who Are the Orks?

In the Houston Warhammer 40K universe, Orks are brutish, war-loving creatures, driven by an insatiable desire for conflict. Governed by the principle of "might makes right," they thrive in anarchy, looting and fighting their way across the galaxy. Their boisterous nature and penchant for ramshackle engineering make them a unique and entertaining faction to play.

What Do You Need to Start Houston Warhammer 40,000?

Houston Warhammer 40K stores offer a wide array of products tailored to Orks. Here are the essentials and popular choices:

Basic Equipment

Orks Boarding Patrol: This provides a variety of units that form the backbone of most Ork armies.

Ork Codex: Delve into the specific rules, tactics, and lore behind the Orks with this essential guide.

 Recommended Items

Paints and Brushes: To bring your miniatures to life, consider Citadel Paints which are often available in Houston Warhammer outlets.

 Modeling Tools: Basic tools include sprue cutters, plastic glue, and a file.


Dice and Measuring Tape: Key tools for Houston Warhammer 40k gameplay, with dice playing a significant role in determining outcomes.


Optional Accessories

Battle Mat and Terrain: To set the scene for your epic battles.

Carry Case: Protect and transport your Houston Warhammer 40k painted minis.

Popular Ork Figures

Boyz: The mainstay of any Ork army – versatile, numerous, and always eager to fight.

 Nobz: Larger, more heavily-armed Orks that lead Boyz into battle.

Warboss: The mightiest of the Orks, essential for leading your green horde.

 Mekboys and Big Meks: Engineers that maintain and invent new weaponry and vehicles.

Deff Dreads and Killa Kans: Massive walking tanks that bring devastating firepower to the table.

Starting Your Orkish Warhammer 40k Journey in Houston

Step 1: Immerse in the Lore

Houston Warhammer 40K aficionados often begin by diving deep into the faction's background. The Ork Codex and various novels from Black Library offer rich insights.

Step 2: Assemble and Paint

Orks provide ample opportunities for creative freedom. Embrace the ramshackle aesthetics and don't fret about achieving a 'perfect' paint job – these are Orks, after all!

Step 3: Learn to Play

Grasp the basic rules and then delve deeper into tactics. While Orks can shoot, they shine in close combat, so understanding this aspect is vital.

Join the houston Warhammer 40,000 community Now!

The Houston Warhammer 40K community is vibrant and welcoming. By diving into the world of Orks, you'll be joining a group that not only shares a passion for the game but also values camaraderie and shared experiences. So, grab your choppa and slugga, rally your Boyz, and embark on a Waaagh! of epic proportions!