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An ongoing game of Austin Catan boardgame.

Beginner's Guide to Playing Catan: Austin's Classic Boardgame

To Austin boardgames enthusiasts, Catan is a reliable classic. It is a renowned gateway game to the deep word of Austin tabletop games. Catan is beloved for its blend of strategy, negotiation, and luck. This guide will help beginners understand the basics of Catan, setting you up for many enjoyable game nights in the vibrant Austin classic boardgames scene.


Understanding Austin Boardgame Catan

Catan, formerly known as The Settlers of Catan, is a multiplayer board game designed by Klaus Teuber. It's a game of resource gathering, trading, and building that's set on the fictional island of Catan. Players assume the roles of settlers, each aiming to build and develop holdings while trading and acquiring resources.

Game Setup

Catan is played on a hexagonal board composed of 19 terrain hexes surrounded by the ocean. Each hex represents a resource type: brick, lumber, wool, grain, and ore. The game begins with players placing two small houses (settlements) and two roads on the board.

Objective of the Game

The goal in Catan is to be the first player to score 10 victory points. Points are acquired by building settlements and cities, having the longest road or the largest army, and collecting certain development cards.


Austin Boardgame Catan Game Play

Resource Production

At the beginning of each turn, the player rolls two six-sided dice. The number rolled corresponds to terrain hexes, and any player with a settlement adjacent to a hex with that number receives the corresponding resource.


Players can trade resources among themselves or with the game's bank. Effective trading is key to getting the resources you need.


Players use resources to build roads, settlements, or cities (upgraded settlements) and to buy development cards. Each new settlement or city increases a player's resource production.

Development Cards

These cards can be bought with resources and provide different benefits, such as building roads, creating armies (knights), or earning extra points.


Catan Strategies for Austin Boardgame Beginners

  1. Resource Diversity: Aim to have settlements near a variety of resources. Diversified resources improve your ability to build and trade effectively.
  1. Smart Trading: Don’t be afraid to trade, but be wary of helping your opponents too much. Always consider what you're giving away versus what you're getting.
  2. Placement is Key: Your initial settlement placement is crucial. Look for spots with diverse resources and good odds (numbers with higher frequency of being rolled).
  3. Road Building: Roads are essential for expanding to new areas and can earn you the "Longest Road" card, worth 2 victory points. Plan your road placement strategically.
  4. Use of Development Cards: These can offer surprise advantages, so buy them when you can. Knights can help you achieve the "Largest Army" card, also worth 2 victory points.
  5. Balancing Act: While you need to build settlements and cities to win, don't ignore development cards and the potential for Longest Road or Largest Army.
  6. Adaptability: Be prepared to change your strategy based on the game's flow and other players' actions.


Catan Austin Boardgame Etiquette

  1. Friendly Negotiation: Catan involves a lot of player interaction. Keep negotiations friendly and enjoyable.
  2. Be Patient: Take time to learn. Each game of Catan can be different, offering new challenges and learning opportunities.
  3. Respect the Rules: While house rules exist, it’s important to respect the game's basic rules when playing, especially in a new group.


You Can Now Play Catan with Your Austin Boardgame Group!

Catan is a gateway to the world of strategic gaming, offering endless entertainment and social interaction. For newcomers in Austin's board game community, it's a perfect starting point, providing a balance of simple mechanics and strategic depth. Whether you’re settling in for a casual game or gearing up for competitive play, Catan promises a rewarding experience. So gather your friends, set up the board, and start your journey to become the greatest settler of Catan!