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A player participates in a game of Houston Magic: The Gathering draft.

A Beginner’s Guide to Draft Format in Houston Magic: The Gathering

For those new to the Houston magic the gathering scene, the draft format is an exciting and challenging way to play. Popular in the Houston trading card game communities, the draft format offers a unique experience each time you play. This guide will introduce you to the basics of the draft format in Houston Magic: The Gathering (MTG) and provide essential tips for beginners.


Understanding the Draft Format of Houston MTG

Draft is a format where players build their decks on the spot from a limited pool of cards. Players sit around a table, each with three unopened booster packs. Cards are selected from these packs and passed around the table in a process known as 'drafting.' Each player ends up with a pool of 45 cards from which to build a 40-card deck. The remainder of the deck consists mostly of basic lands, which are usually provided by the game store or event organizer.


How Houston MTG Draft Works

Open and Pick: Players simultaneously open their first booster pack, choose one card from the pack, and then pass the remaining cards to the next player.

Repeat: This process continues until all the cards from the first pack are drafted. Then, the second pack is opened, and the process repeats.

Build a Deck: Once all three packs are drafted, each player builds a 40-card deck from the cards they selected. Basic lands are added to reach this card count.


Tips for Your First Houston MTG Draft

B.R.E.A.D Strategy: A common strategy for beginners is B.R.E.A.D: Bombs (powerful cards), Removal (cards that remove opponents’ creatures), Evasion (creatures hard to block), Aggro (fast, aggressive creatures), and Duds (less desirable cards).

Balance Your Picks: Aim for a good balance of creatures and other spells. Pay attention to your mana curve – you’ll want a range of low to high-cost cards.

Stick to Two Colors: To ensure you can cast your spells consistently, it's usually best to limit your deck to two colors.

Stay Flexible: Be ready to change your strategy based on the cards available. If you see powerful cards in a particular color being passed to you, consider pivoting to that color.


What You’ll Need to Play Houston MTG Draft

Booster Packs: Typically, you’ll need three booster packs. These can be purchased at the event.

Sleeves: Protect your new cards with card sleeves.

Deck Box: Useful for storing your drafted deck.

Life Counter: For tracking your life total during games.

Pen and Paper: Helpful for taking notes or tracking complex game states.


Play Houston MTG Draft Now!

Drafting is an excellent way to play Magic: The Gathering. It challenges your deck-building skills and adaptability, all while providing the excitement of opening new booster packs. For beginners in the Houston area looking to delve into the local MTG scene, Draft format is an accessible and enjoyable way to play, offering both a challenge and a way to build your collection. So, grab some packs and get ready to draft – an exciting MTG experience awaits!

Magic the Gathering, MTG, Trading Card Games